Timing Analysis Dashboard
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This chart and the data table below analyse the CR based on the time spent on site. Users are divided in homogeneous time on site quantiles, so that each range is populated with approximately the same amount of non-bounces.
In the chart, the x-axis measures the time on site quantiles and the y-axis the CR. The green line represents the average CR of non-bounces; the blue line represents the CR of non-bounce users that have not yet added to cart until the beginning of the time bucket evaluated in the chart.
This chart is useful to understand and define the best moment to show offers in order to lead the users to conversion and to push users to add products to their carts.
In this example you can see that only after 8 minutes and 22 seconds users start to significantly convert and this can be considered a good moment to incentive those that have not yet added to cart to do it, in order to push them to reach conversion.
The table below gives more detailed info about the average users behavior, showing unconverted users, orders, CR, net revenue, AOV, discounts, total discount and average discount.
The conversion timing chart and table analyse the visitors behaviour based on time on site, with homogeneous time buckets of five minutes each. For each time range it’s shown the number of non-bounces, orders and CR.
In the chart, you can see at a glance how the percentage of visitors and orders change as the time on site increases, when most conversions happen and when most users abandon the site.
The time to cart chart and table show how the CR changes based on the moment in which the first item is added to cart. Users are divided in time to cart ranges so that each quantile is populated with approximately the same number of users.
In this analysis, the trend often shows a peak at the beginning (for those users who enter the website already knowing what to purchase and that convert quickly) and at the end of it (users who start adding items to cart after a long navigation but then convert).
In the table, you can see time ranges based on an homogeneous quantiles of non bounces, and the related information about unconverted users, orders, CR, net revenue, AOV, discounts, total discounts amount and average discount.
The last two tables shown in this dashboard focus on orders.
In the first one, the time to order table, orders are split in homogeneous groups of order values, so that each has approximately the same number of orders. Based on these ranges you can evaluate net revenues, AOV, discounts, total discounts amount and average discount.
In the second table, the order value table, homogeneous groups of order values, so that each has approximately the same number of orders. For each range you can see data regarding revenues, discounts, total discounts, average discounts, average time to cart and average time to order