Your user profile is where some simple information is set in the portal.
First and Last name: This is how you will be referred when your name appears in the portal and to other users on the account. It may also be used in emails and other forms of contact.
Email: This is the email you use to log in to the portal. It also may be used to contact you.
Mobile This may be used to contact you (optional).
Change Password
This is the page that allows you to change your password whenever you want. If your account has additional password security features enabled, you may have to change your password on a somewhat frequent basis.
You also have the ability on this page to log your user out on all other active sessions. Clicking the "Log out of all other browsers" button will automatically force all sessions to logout on anything but the current browser. This is meant to be used as a security feature to be sure no malicious entity has access to your account. If you fear this may be the case, please utilize this feature and change your password as quickly as possible.
Last updated
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