
Only admin users have access to this page.

Here you can manage users who can log in to your account, and the functionality they can access within the Portal.

Adding a User

To add a new user click on the "Add User" button on the top right of the Users card. Add their email and name, as well as choose a language that they will see the Portal in the first time they log in.

They will receive an email with a link for them to set their own password.

Editing Access

You can change the features of Fanplayr 360 each user has access to. Admin users have access to everything, including being able to add and remove users.

To change a users access click the Edit Access link on the right of the row representing the user.

Here you can make a user an Admin, give the access to invoices and PrivacyID if enabled on your account.

You can also give granular access to every part of the Fanplayr 360 system.

Logging a user out of the system

Click the "Logout" button next to the user you want to log out of the system. They will be logged out of Fanplayr 360 on any device they are using within a few minutes.

Last updated