Integration with Miva Merchant involves adding Fanplayr script to your template files.
Adding the Script to your Template
Copy <script>
(function(d, w, s) {
var f = w.fanplayr = w.fanplayr || { _i:[] };
var m = f.miva = f.miva || {};
m.currency = '< CURRENCY >';
m.accountKey = '< ACCOUNT_KEY >';
m.pageSnip = '&mvte:page:code;';
// disable on specific pages
if (m.pageSnip === 'ORDL' || m.pageSnip === 'ACAD' || m.pageSnip === 'OCST') {
var numOf = function(s) {
return parseFloat((s + '').replace(/[^0-9\.]/g, '') || 0);
m.products = [];
m.baseUrl = '&mvt:global:baseurl;';
m.cartUrl = '&mvt:urls:bask:rr;';
// OPTIONAL Session Offers
// m.sessionOffersPrefix = 'fp_';
// m.sessionOffersSelector = '#l-coupon-code';
if ( m.pageSnip !== 'INVC' ) {
<mvt:foreach iterator="item" array="global_minibasket:items">
id: '&mvt:item:product:code',
sku: '&mvt:item:product:sku',
price: numOf('&mvt:item:formatted_subtotal_base_price') / numOf('&mvt:item:quantity'),
quantity: numOf('&mvt:item:quantity'),
name: '&mvt:item:product:name',
image: '&mvte:item:imagetypes:main' || '&mvt:item:product:image',
url: '&mvte:item:link;'
m.lineItemCount = '&mvt:global_minibasket:basketitemsonly_count';
m.numItems = '&mvt:global_minibasket:basket_count';
m.categoryId = '&mvt:cattree_categories[1]:code;';
m.categoryName = '&mvt:cattree_categories[1]:name;';
m.productId = '&mvt:item:code;';
m.productName = '&mvt:item:name;';
m.productSku = '&mvt:item:parts[1]:sku;';
m.productPrice = '&mvt:item:base_price;';
m.productUrl = '&mvt:product:link;';
m.productImage = '&mvt:product:image;'; = numOf('&mvt:global_minibasket:coupons[1]:total');
m.discountCode = '&mvt:global_minibasket:coupons[1]:code';
} else {
<mvt:foreach iterator="item" array="order:groups">
id: '&mvt:item:product:code;',
sku: '&mvt:item:product:sku;',
price: numOf('&mvt:item:formatted_subtotal_base_price') / numOf('&mvt:item:quantity'),
quantity: numOf('&mvt:item:quantity'),
name: '&mvt:item:product:name;',
image: '&mvte:item:imagetypes:main' || '&mvt:item:product:image;',
url: '&mvte:item:link;'
m.order = {}; = '&mvt:order:id;'; = numOf('&mvt:coupon:total;');
m.order.discountCode = '&mvt:coupon:code;';
m.order.shipping = numOf('&mvt:order:charges[1]:amount;'); = numOf('&mvt:ga_tracking:total_tax;'); = '&mvt:order:bill_email;';
m.order.firstName = '&mvt:order:bill_fname;';
m.order.lastName = '&mvt:order:bill_lname;';
m.order.customerEmail = '&mvt:store:email;';
m.order.customerId = '&mvt:order:cust_id;';
var js = d.createElement(s);
var fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0];
js.async = true;
js.src = '';
fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs);
})(document, window, 'script');
You can enable Session Offers by uncommenting (removing the // before each line) in the "OPTIONAL Session Offers" section as seen above. For example:
Copy m.sessionOffersPrefix = 'fp_';
m.sessionOffersSelector = '#l-bask-coupon';
This should be set as the prefix you are going to use for your Fanplayr specific coupons. It can be any value, but needs to only appear at the beginning of Fanplayr coupons.