// The write key generated from a Source integration.
writeKey: string
// The tracking endpoint to use, will differ depending on data storage region.
endpoint: string
// Whether to enable debug logging in the browser console.
// Values `false` and `'none'` turn debugging off
debug: true | false | 'none' | 'info' | 'verbose' = false
// Set to `false` if using with Fanplayr Targeting.
autoStartSession: boolean = true
// The delay before sending batches of tracking data.
batchFlushDelayMs: number = 1000 // 1 second
// How long should a session last after last event.
sessionDurationMs: number = 45 * 60 * 1000, // 45 minutes
// How long the cookie should last - most browsers will ignore this.
cookieExpiration: number = 365 // 1 year
// The key in localStorage to store local Fanplayr 360 data.
storageKey: string = 'fp360'
// Where to store local data.
storageType: 'localStorage'
// The maximum duration to cache calls to `identify()`. This cache prevents
// unnecessary requests when the `identify()` API is repeated with the same input.
idMaxAgeMs: number = 60 * 60 * 1000, // 1 hour
// When enabled, Fanplayr will use the client's IP address to determine geolocation.
ip: boolean = true