The AWS S3 integration can only be used as a destination in a Fanplayr 360 export.


Authenticating with the Fanplayr 360 AWS S3 integration first requires you to create a user in AWS IAM with access only to the desired S3 bucket and folder. Below is an example of an inline role definition for this user:

    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Sid": "VisualEditor0",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::<bucket>/<folder>/*"

After this is setup in your AWS account, you will need three pieces of information to complete the authentication.

  • Access Key ID: The access key ID of the created user

  • Secret Access Key: The secret access key of the created user


Upload File

The only capability for the AWS S3 integration is uploading a file as part of an export. You need three pieces of information:

  • Endpoint: This is the S3 endpoint. This value is typically "https://s3.<S3-region>" for an Amazon S3 integration. However, this integration can also be used for S3-like systems (like Cloudflare) so this endpoint will be different for those systems.

  • Bucket: This is the S3 bucket. It should match any defined bucket in the user's IAM role.

  • Folder: This is the S3 folder path. This value should look something like `/parent/child/`. It is optional, but if missing, the resulting file will be placed on the root of the bucket.

If this destination is attached to an export, the exported data file will be placed inside your defined bucket and folder in S3. The file's name will be generated uniquely for each report based on the date and other information about the export. The datatype will be either "JSON" or "CSV" depending on the export definition. See Exports for more information.

Last updated