
Conversion Settings

Fanplayr 360 can take in events with any name but to supply useful Insights without having to create custom dashboard we allow you to specify which events should be mapped to understood eCommerce conventions.

Automated eCommerce Extensions

You may not be able to track when your user has finished a session on your website or app, and may not be able to send through the current state of your eCommerce shopping cart on every tracking event. To help track more consistently we can take care of these things for you.

Maintain Session

It is likely that you will not know when a user has stopped interacting with your app. If you enable this feature, 45 minutes after the last event we see with a given sessionId (see Session and Users), we will create a Session Ended and Cart Abandoned event.

When enabled we will also keep track of the cart values (otherwise sent with events as $cart) throughout a user's session, updating cart totals with the value of products added and removed (using $product properties).

If you send through a $cart property with events, any properties on this $cart will override our internally tracked state.

For example, if you have an empty cart, and send a Product Added event with $product the carts value with be updated to the added product's value. If you also send through a $cart with a total, this will override the newly updated internal value.

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