Sync High Value Users to Mailchimp Mailing List

This tutorial will describe the process of creating an Audience to synchronize your high value users with a Mailchimp mailing list.


This guide assumes that you have an account with Mailchimp and have least one valid Audience set up in Mailchimp's system.

Step 1: Create Mailchimp Destination

The first step is to create a Mailchimp "Add member to list" Destination in Fanplayr 360. Go to the Integration Catalog and find the "Mailchimp" integration. Click this to see all Source and Destination integration capabilities supported for Mailchimp. For this tutorial, select the "Add member to list" capability by clicking "Add".

You will see a screen that looks like the image below in Figure 1.

You will need two pieces of information to get started creating your Destination: a unique name for the Destination and your Mailchimp API key. You can find your Mailchimp API key in the Account API section of the Mailchimp account settings. This is currently accessible via the "Extras" menu in Mailchimp's account settings.

After entering your API key, click the "Test Connection" button to validate your API key. If valid, the editor will reveal additional settings (Figure 2).

There are two elements of these settings that are important for this Destination:

  • Properties: These are required settings that are dependent on the Integration provider and specific capability. In this case, you have two settings:

    • List: This is the Mailchimp Audience to connect to. Select the desired Audience here.

    • Status: When a user is sent to the Mailchimp Audience, this is the status to mark the user in Mailchimp. Select the desired user status here.

  • Outputs: This section determines what attribute in Fanplayr 360 will be exported to Mailchimp. For the purposes of this tutorial, we will not change this from the default.

After you are finished with these settings, feel free to assign a name to the Destination at the top of the editor. We will refer to it as "Mailchimp: Add Contact" throughout this tutorial.

Click "Save" at the top of the screen and move on to the next step.

Step 2: Determine High Value Filters

The next step in the process is to determine which type of users you would like to capture in your Audience. This research can be done directly in the Audience creation screen, but there are lots of other places to see the users that would make up your Audience.

  • Insights: Use the filters and graphs to gather high-level information regarding your subset of users

  • Profiles: Use the filters to see a list of profiles that match your filters.

There are many ways to determine which users should be considered high value. Feel free to apply whatever filters you would like going forward, but we will use the following filter:

  • Sum of Order > Revenue by User greater than 100

  • Apply on events from last 365 days

In order to select the sum of order revenue by user, select "Order > Revenue" and click the top aggregation dropdown and change it to "Sum of revenue by user".

Once you are happy with your filters, move to the next step.

Step 3: Create Audience

The next step is to create your Audience and set the filters and Destination from the above steps. You can click "New Audience" from the Audience list or use the Audience creation link in Profiles. Set up your Audience to look like the screenshot below:

There are four parts of Audience creation:

  • Name: Assign the Audience a unique name.

  • Filters: Assign the filters as determined in Step 2.

  • Evaluation Settings: Decide how often you want the Audience to be re-evaluated and synced with Mailchimp (daily at noon by default).

  • Sync Audience: Choose the Destination you created in Step 1

Click "Save" at the top of the screen to finalize your Audience. Make sure the status toggle is set to "Enabled".

Step 4: Test

Once the Audience is created, the best way to ensure it is working properly is to manually trigger an evaluation.

Click on the Audience in the Audience list to view the editor. On the top-right side of the screen, you should see an "Evaluate now" button. Click this to trigger a manual evaluation of the Audience. After clicking, it may take a few minutes for your users to appear in Mailchimp. Check your Mailchimp list as you should see lots of new users in the list. Keep in mind that only users who have emails set in Fanplayr 360 will be synced with the Destination.

View the Audience documentation for more detailed information.

Last updated