Semantic Data

What is semantic data?

Fanplayr 360 provides specific Events and Attributes that you can either send into our system, or map data to, that gives extra functionality as they are understood to represent specific information.

Semantic Attributes can include extra functionality such as nesting products in a cart.

Currently semantic data is focused on adding functionality to e-commerce stores, but if you have other needs please let us know.

Semantic Events

An example of a semantic event is Order Completed which tracks that a purchase been made, and can contain semantically understood attributes.

Using the Order Complete event will then automatically show the number of orders made in the Overview and Insights screens.

Semantic Attributes

Fanplayr 360 provides extra functionality such as displaying the revenue or number of orders in Insights dashboards when you use defined Event Attributes such as $order or User Attributes such as $age .

Some Semantic Attributes can also be complex objects such as an Order - whereas when tracking your own custom attributes they can only be simple key/value pairs.

Semantic Objects

The Order Complete event can take a semantic attribute $order which is not limited to being a flat value, but can take information such as the products ordered.

Using this semantic attribute will then automatically show data such as the top products ordered or total money brought in by orders in Insights.

Semantic User Attributes

When adding Attributes to a user, which will show in Profile and Filters, you can use our defined Semantic User Attributes to add functionality to Fanplayr 360. Some Integrations such as Facebook Custom Audience may require these.

Fanplayr 360 Generated Attributes

When Events are consumed by Fanplayr 360 the system will attempt to automatically generate some attributes. Example are from $countryCode from an IP address or $browser from a UserAgent.

If you provide these attributes in your event they will override these generated attributes. In general you should stay away from adding these to your tracking calls.

Last updated