Fanplayr’s tracking, segmentation, targeting and analytics capabilities are well suited for sites focused on travel products and services. While the base integration documents deal specifically with standard product eCommerce sites, the following scripts are meant to be used by travel sites.
The attributes referred to in this documentation are indicative based on a generic travel site. These attributes are optional for your site and you could replace them with those that pertain to your site.
For the integration scripts to use, please use the instructions at Page Tracking.
For travel specific tracking, please use the instructions at the Custom Data section. The sample custom data object to use is listed below.
custom_data: {
travelType: "", // Travel Type (oneWay or roundTrip)
numAdults: 0, // No. Of Adults
numChildren: 0, // No. Of Children
numInfants: 0, // No. Of Infants
numPax: 0, // Total No. Of People
fromCity: "", // From City
fromCountry: "", // From Country
fromAirport: "", // From Airport
departureDate: "", // Departure Date in format (YYYY-MM-DD)
departureHour: 0, // Departure Hour (in 24 hour format)
departureMinutes: 0, // Departure Minutes
departureDay: "", // The Departure day of the week
daysToDeparture: 0, // Number of days from today to Departure
departureClass: "", // Departure Class of travel
departureFlight: "", // Departure Flight Number
departureCost: 0, // Cost for the departure flight (if separate)
toCity: "", // To City
toCountry: "", // To Country
toAirport: "", // To Airport
arrivalDate: "", // Arrival Date in the format (YYYY-MM-DD)
arrivalHour: 0, // Arrival Hour (in 24 hour format)
arrivalMinutes: 0, // Arrival Minutes
daysToArrival: 0, // Number of days from today to Arrival
returnDate: "", // Return Date
returnClass: "", // Return Class of travel
returnFlight: "", // Return Flight Number
returnDay: 0 // The Return day of the week
returnCost: 0, // Cost for the return flight (if separate)
durationOfTravel: 0, // Duration of Travel in number of days
totalPrice: 0, // Total Price of the travel
fare: 0, // Fare
fees: 0 // Fees
Fanplayr’s tracking, segmentation, targeting and analytics capabilities are well suited for sites focused on travel products and services. While the base integration documents deal specifically with standard product eCommerce sites, the following scripts are meant to be used by hotel booking sites.
The attributes referred to in this documentation are indicative based on a generic hotel site. These attributes are optional for your site and you could replace them with those that pertain to your site.
For the integration scripts to use, please use the instructions at Page Tracking.
For hotel specific tracking, please use the instructions at the Custom Data section. The sample custom data object to use is listed below.
custom_data: {
numAdults: 0, // No. Of Adults
numChildren: 0, // No. Of Children
numPax: 0, // Total No. Of People
numRooms: 0, // Total number of rooms
extraBeds: 0, // Number of extra beds requested
roomType: "", // Room Type
destination: "", // Destination
checkinDate: "", // Check-in Date in format YYYY-MM-DD
checkoutDate: "", // Check-out Date in format YYYY-MM-DD
checkinMonth: 0, // The month number of the Check-in date
checkoutMonth: 0, // The month number of the Check-out date
numDaysToCheckin: 0, // The number of days from today to Check-in
durationOfStay: 0, // Duration of Stay
services: "", // Additional services
earlyCheckin: "", // Requested early check-in ?
lateCheckout: "", // Requested late check-out ?
rackRate: 0, // The rack rate for the rooms
roomRate: 0, // The quoted rate for the rooms
resortFees: 0, // Any resort fees that are in addition
fees: 0, // Any additional fees
services: “” // Additional Services